What does Linkr do, exactly? Well, this app can create a linktree for you. It can essentially stuff a bunch of links under a single link, which you can then share wherever you are. Many of us use various social media platforms these days. Well, you can grab links that lead to your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram profiles, copy them to Links, and let the app do its magic. It will create one link that can link to all your social media profiles. Whoever clicks it will get all that information. Not only will you not need to link everything separately, but it will have with some social media services like Instagram, which limit your bio to one link only. This way, you can place a bunch of them in a single link, and use that one on Instagram. Linkr has a bunch of templates at your disposal. Once the Linkr link is clicked, you can choose what people will see. You can make some really-nice looking link landing pages with this application.

You can choose layouts, backgrounds, buttons, stickers, and more

There are multiple options of layouts, backgrounds, buttons, stickers, and page themes to choose from. You can even mess around with the link URL, if you want, and punch in your own title and description for your Linkr landing page. If you’re a business owner, and would like your business logo to be included on this landing page, well, you can do that as well, without a problem. All in all, that landing page can look excellent, with a little bit of effort. Linkr also provides you with statistics. You’ll get a detailed analysis of day-by-day clicks on each link and social icon. Tracking page views by day, country, and device is also possible. An app like Linkr does a specific thing, and does it really well. If you need to create a landing page for all your links, and then link all that under a single link… well, this is the app for you. Linkr (Google Play Store)

Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 62Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 95Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 97Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 70Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 89Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 49Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 52Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 67Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 57Linkr App Can Stuff A Bunch Of Links Into A Single One - 88